Friday, July 31, 2009

Convo in the Cafeteria

Just a brief scene between a few characters, narrated by someone who's observing them in the school cafeteria. I'll leave you to guessing what's going on, but it shouldn't be that hard to figure it out...

"May I ask you a question?" There was a short pause before the voice resumed. "Have you ever made a girl cry?"

The other youth turned around, suddenly no longer interested in his foot-long sub and he returned the half-eaten sandwich to his plate. "Sure... why'd'ya ask?" Unlike the other boy's tone, his was light-hearted and quite a bit higher in pitch.

"Oh, no reason." The response came quickly as the shorter boy set his chopsticks down on a napkin and frowned slightly.

"This is about my sister, isn't it?" The Asian boy nodded, so the other youth continued. "Well, with her, it'd be best not to try and hide behind anything." His glance shifted towards the window, where it settled for a long moment before turning back to his companion. "If you need to yell at her, then do it. She can take it a lot better than she lets on sometimes." He shoved a potato chip into his mouth.

"Really?" He narrowed his eyes slightly.

The taller youth nodded and took a few gulps of water to wash down his food. "You think I'd lie to you about this?" He let out a heavy sigh. "Chance are, if you made my sis cry, it wasn't you." He stood up and picked his tray up. Leaving the other boy to ponder the words that had just been spoken, he turned and headed out of the cafeteria...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Faramir's Song

I took a chance to write a brief little song in honour of one of my favourite fictional characters of all-time. Inspiration for parts of it was taken from the scene in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, where Faramir and Eowyn are talking to each other in the Houses of Healing. Enjoy!

Your hand is reaching out
So I cannot deny
These feelings that are clear to me
And there's no reason why.

My heart, it tells me one thing
But I pretend I cannot hear
After all that we've been through
I just want to hold you near.

I want a hug to know you're sorry
A kiss to know you care
A smile when I see you next
To know that someone's there.
A hug to know you're sorry
A kiss to know you care
A smile when I see you next
To know that someone's there.

I see how much you're hurting;
I know how much you can love
All these things you hold inside you
Are gifts that come from above.

And so I ask you one thing
Promise me in return
That you'll be honest with me;
That is something you must learn.

Repeat Chorus

I, give you one thing
The chance to be set free
Take a chance to discover
Who you are meant to be.

I know I'm just a broken man
With not a lot to give
But my heart truly loves you
And just wants to see you live.

Repeat Chorus

Your smile is like fire
That burns my heart of stone
Your kindness is like the welcome
Of truly coming home.

So I'm asking you a question
And I hope you will reply
I really want to see you happy
But you make me want to cry.

Repeat Chorus

Because I need to know
If you love me too
Because I need to know
That's why I'm asking you

Repeat Chorus x2

Actually, I have no idea where part of the inspiration came from. I was filling out an application for a job and all of a sudden, the chorus popped into my mind. As I continued writing the song, the scene in the third and final Lord of the Rings movie came to mind.

Anyhow, words are copyright me. With the exception of the chorus, I have no idea what the tune is supposed to be and I really don't have a way to share it with you, either. First of all, because I don't have a voice recording system. And second of all, because I can't sing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Short Scene...

Just a short piece I was thinking of. Maybe I'll write more later, maybe not...

"You can't just keep running away." A hand came to rest on Michael's shoulder and he quickly twisted around, causing Sam's hand and arm to fall to her side once again. He turned away and she took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"Who's running?" Michael turned back around to face Samantha, his tone of voice rather snappish, especially for him. "I've come to accept things as they are, not look to how they should be." There was another long pause. "This needs to be done and I am the only one who can do it."

"But-" Sam started to say, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Samantha," Michael cut her off before she could finish what she was about to say. "I must do it alone this time." Only a few moments later, he was gone; the sound of the door firmly shutting behind him echoed in Sam's ears.


Sam went to the only place she knew of to think: the Reading Tree. The locally owned and operated bookshop had been a favourite place of hers to spend time and often, she would stop for coffee or tea in the little cafe. Zander, the owner, knew just about every customer by name. As soon as he saw Sam walk in, he called out to her.

"Usual for you today?" When Sam nodded, Zander went over to prepare the drink. Only moments later, he handed a steaming cup to Sam. As Sam reached into her wallet to pull out the two dollars and seventy-three cents, Zander shook his head. "Not today. That gentleman over there said he was expecting you to drop by."

Samantha frowned as she followed Zander's line of vision over to the far corner. At one of the other tables, she could see two Japanese girls talking, one of whom she immediately recognised as none other than Emiko Takahashi. What in all of tarnation was that girl doing at a bookshop? Sam wondered to herself. However, she was even more surprised when she saw the person to whom Zander was pointing.

In all honesty, she had expected someone like Hideaki Sato or Tyler Martin or even her brother, all of whom knew which drink she enjoyed, to be sitting at the table. Or Michael. Especially Michael. But she had to remind herself that they were no longer talking.

As she walked over, the man nodded his acknowledgement. "Miss Adams," his voice was slightly more acidic than Sam remembered, but it had been over a year since she'd last seen him. Sam took a deep breath and sat down.