Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dark Redemption: Meet the Characters

As the clock ticks and the time gets shorter and shorter, it is up to six teenagers to save two worlds. Six teenagers and one computer genius.

He never told them it would be easy, but even Seven McAllistair, head programmer for Nikolai Kwaitowski's corporation, had not foreseen these challenges. For one thing, all this was supposed to be a game... a harmless source of entertainment. But no one had counted on the entire system being tampered with, least of all him.

By far, sixteen-year-old avid gamer Jake Saunders was the most enthusiastic about testing out Return to Almendrim: Rise of Synistra, but as tensions grow thick and he finds himself responsible not only for his own well-being, but also the well-being of others, can the young knight who doesn't believe in nonsense, Thomas Winston rise to the occasion? Or will Jake allow his own emotions to cloud his ability to make decisions that could affect the fate of two worlds and billions of people?

At fourteen, Emily Merquet is easily the "baby" of the group, but she's far from inexperienced. Growing up with a brother and a sister who loved fantasy games, Emily decided to create Aviella Nims, a fire-breathing scout character. Although not involved in much combat, Emily has always enjoyed the scout's versatility in challenging situations where she has to solve puzzles. But a piece of the puzzle is missing and even the resourceful Avi can't seem to solve it. Will Emily let her inability to find more information jeopardise their ability to bring about the downfall of the Dark Mage?

Fifteen-year-old Natalie Chandler has always been creative... and a bit of a diva. So when Jake asks her who her character will be, she just smiles. After seeing what the rest of the group has picked, she decides to create her alternate persona as a half-Elf... with a secret past. Like her creator, Leah King has always been a star. But unlike the sparkleful girl, Leah has more than her share of hurt and shame to overcome. Will she be able to put the past behind her and give her all for the team? Or will the shining star fall short once again?

"You need a healer character?" Bridget Page listened carefully as the premise of the game was being explained to the five others who gathered in the circle. "Sure, I'll do it, I guess." She moved over to the computer console, where Seven patiently attached the cords to her arms, legs and torso, just as he'd done to Jake moments before. As Bridget closed her eyes, she saw the character creation screen and selected Healer. The game suggested that her character should be either a Human or a Dwarf and the blonde girl's mouth dropped open in amazement. There were so many choices! How was she ever going to choose just one? As a middle-aged human, Shaina faces many choices. It's obvious she respects Thomas, but when Vandimir leaves the group, does she follow him and make sure he stays out of trouble? Or should she stay loyal to Thomas and the others?

Seventeen-year-old Daniel Verity was always the quiet, model student, never doing anything out of the ordinary... until he decided to stop by Gale's Games one winter afternoon. When Mr. McAllistair explains the premise of the simulation to the teenagers, Daniel is instantly captivated and eagerly agrees to try it out. Thus, Joseph was born. As a mischivous gnome with the power to enter (and change) dreams people have, Joseph has quite the ability to wreak havoc. But one night while he and Vandimir are on their watch, he sees something that genuinely frightens him: a dark, hooded figure sitting in a seat of power. The morale of the group is already down and if he tells everyone else what he saw, it'll only make things worse. Will Joseph have the courage to stand up to the truth when questioned by the others? Or will he cower behind lies and illusions, like he's done in the past?

Alannah Sharpe, better known as Al, wasn't in this because she wanted to be. No, Jake had tricked her into testing this out and she's not pleased. Even less amused at the whole situation is Vandimir Silvermoon, a calloused Elven scholar who prefers to keep his nose in a book. As Vandimir begins to push others away from him, it becomes apparent that because of his choices, his task is the most difficult of all. When the Midnight Angel comes to visit and warns Vandimir that the fate of both worlds now rests in his hands, will Alannah swallow her pride and ask for help? Or will both worlds fall because she's too stubbourn to accept the help that's been offered?

As the fate of both worlds collides, will these six youths unite against the coming evil and rise to the occasion? Or will they fall into darkness, like many before them have?