Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 1

A friend challenged me to figure out more about one of my characters, so I'll be using this questionnaire to go a bit more in-depth...  it's supposed to be done every day, but I'll be doing them as I complete them...

So I'm going to do Elisha, but as an 18-year-old...

To start out, his name is Eli'shaen V. Torelleth, though he nearly always gets called Elisha.

Day 1:
Basics and cosmetic:
Age?  Almost 18
Date of Birth?  December 23
Hair color?  Dark blue
Eye color?  Dark blue
Skin color/nationality?  Kind of medium-brown, tan
Accent (if any)?  Not really
Height?  Five foot, four inches
Weight?  120 pounds
Tattoos?  None
Piercings?  None
Birthmarks?  None
Disfigurements?  None
Scars?  A long scar on the inside of his right arm that sort of wraps around his wrist from a fight he got into about 4-5 years back.
Do they have any nicknames? Where did they come from?  Shaen (from the second half of his name), 'Lisha (what his sister often calls him)