Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twelve Character Survey

At least this time all these characters know each other, so that should take away some of the awkwardness that was seen in an earlier survey... for the sake of this, I'm also assuming that as the author, I'm allowed to interact with my characters.

There will be spoilers. Nothing hugely major if you haven't read what's on the other site, but please consider yourself forewarned.

1. Evan Saunders
2. Kiran Shasthri
3. Hideaki Sato
4. Samantha Adams
5. Michael Liu
6. Scott Adams
7. Emiko Takahashi
8. Tyler Martin
9. Mr. Sharpe
10. Nate Winters


Number 1 (Evan) woke you up in the middle of the night?
--I would wonder what on earth he was doing up in the middle of the night. And I'd hope everything was okay.

Number 2 (Kiran) asked you to go out with her?
--Uhm... I would back away slowly and head for Bernard's Book Shoppe to see if somehow the multiple dimensions had somehow gotten messed up...

Number 3 (Hideaki) walked into the bathroom while you're showering?
--If I was actually in the shower and didn't see him, I don't think I'd notice, but if I did happen to see him, I'd scream. Boys aren't supposed to be in the girl's bathroom.

Number 5 (Michael) cooked you dinner?
--I would thank him. He's a pretty good cook. ^_^

Number 6 (Scott) was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping?
--I'd snicker and make drawings on his back with suntan lotion. He wouldn't wake up...

Number 8 (Tyler) got into the hospital somehow?
--That would really worry me, so I'd go find out what happened. It would probably be some sports-related injury.

Number 9 (Sharpe) made fun of your friends?
--Sharpe would totally do something like that. If I knew him in real life, I'd probably be used to it and pay little attention after awhile. Maybe make a snide remark back at his expense every once in a while. That's what happens when two people with a similar personality construct get together in the same room.

Number 10 (Nate) ignored you all the time?
--Wow... I couldn't imagine Nate ignoring anyone, but I guess he has to ignore someone. No matter, I wouldn't vie for his attention.


Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will Number 1 (Evan) do?
--Kick their behinds. Literally. He'd beat them up.

You're on a vacation with Number 2 (Kiran) and you manage to break your leg. What does Number 2 (Kiran) do?
--She would go hysterical for a few minutes and then realize things aren't that bad and that she's overreacting and splint it.

It's your birthday. What will 3 (Hideaki) give you?
--Knowing Hideaki, he'd probably forget about my birthday.

You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does Number 4 (Sam) do?
--Sam would make sure that the fire department had been called and was on their way.

You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will Number 5 (Michael) do?
--He'd turn away and pretend not to notice to give privacy, as that's what he would want.

You're about to marry Number 10(Nate). What's Number 6's (Scott) reaction?
--Heh heh... Scott would probably try to convince Nate otherwise, but they're cousins. After Scott sees that Nate really wants to marry me, he'd beg to be as involved in the wedding as possible.

You got dumped by someone. How will Number 7 (Emiko) cheer you up?
--She'd laugh in my face.

You're angry about it afterwards, how does Number 8 (Tyler) calm you down?
--Tyler's probably the best person at calming other people down and he'd talk to me and tell me that there's a lot worse things that can happen in life.

You compete in some tournament. How does Number 9 (Sharpe) support you?
--First, he'd tell me to concentrate and he'd be honest about whatever the tournament was. He shows the kind of "tough love" to his students, so that's probably what he'd do to me.

You can't stop laughing. What will Number 10 (Nate) do?
--He'd laugh with me...

Number 1 (Evan) is all you've ever dreamed of.
--*blushes* Uhm....

Number 2 (Kiran) tells you about her deeply hidden love for Number 9 (Sharpe). Your reaction?
--Well, at least they know each other. But he's so... old. I'd shake her by the shoulders and call her an idiot.

You're dating Number 3 (Hideaki) and introduce him to your parents. Will they get along?
--I think they would. Maybe my parents would actually like to weigh in and answer the question for themselves, but Hideaki's a good guy, albeit a little off the beaten track.

Number 4 (Sam) loves Number 9 (Sharpe) as well. What does that mean?
--Well, they do know each other... but Sam hates Sharpe's guts. It'd be funnier if Laura Clarkson and Sharpe ended up dating, but I sincerely doubt that's going to happen.

Number 6 (Scott) appears to be a player, and he breaks many hearts. What do you do?
--Slap him across the face and tell him he's a jerk. Better yet, get Michael to do that for me.

You had a haircut and Number 7 (Emiko) can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind?

Number 8 (Tyler) thinks he'll never get a girlfriend. What will you tell him?
--I'd probably give him the same kind of advice he gave me when I "got dumped" earlier in the survey. And assure him, as the author, that he will find a girlfriend and eventually find true love, if not in the way he expects. *insert evil laugh here*

Number 9 (Sharpe) is too shy to face you, and confesses you their love by sending an e-mail. Now what?
--Uhm..... dare I answer that one? Or do I want to run the risk of being murdered by one of my own characters after the survey is over? No seriously, it's Sharpe. He'd never confess his love to anyone. Not after his heart was broken by *cough*johannahliu*cough*.

Could Number 1 (Evan) and Number 6 (Scott) be soul mates?
--Yeah, they're already pretty close friends, so I don't see why they couldn't pretty much be best friends.

Would Number 2 (Kiran) trust Number 5 (Michael)?
--Yes, Kiran trusts Michael. She stayed with his family for a semester during her sophomore (well, technically her freshman year, but she took sophomore level classes) year, so fall of 2003 as an exchange student.

Number 3 (Hideaki) wants to go shopping, will Number 7 (Emiko) come along?
--Once they start dating then yes.

Number 4 (Sam) is bored and pokes Number 10 (Nate). What happens after that?
--Nate's incredibly ticklish and they're cousins. So it'd probably turn intos some crazy pillow fight/tickle war, especially if Scott is around.

Number 5 (Michael) and Number 1 (Evan) are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick?
--Well, Michael is a pre-med student in university. Evan studies engineering.

If Number 6 (Scott) and Number 3 (Hideaki) cooked dinner, what would they make?
--Oi, Iluvatar help us...

Number 7 (Emiko) and Number 9 (Sharpe) apply for a job. What job?
--Sharpe already has a job teaching high school chemistry. Emiko would apply for any job that keeps her as far away from her dad as possible.

Number 8 (Tyler) gives Number 2 (Kiran) a haircut. Is that okay?

Number 9 (Sharpe) sketches what Number 6's (Scott) perfect girlfriend should look like.
--Sharpe can't draw.

Number 10 (Nate) and Number 8 (Tyler) are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about?
--Likely about girls... or about gila monsters or something completely random. Nate tends to blush easily. Tyler doesn't, but his dark skin doesn't lend itself to doing that easily or often. Nate is light-skinned and freckled.

And, uhm, now you know a little bit about some of my characters... I hope that was (a) educational and (b) entertaining. And I also hope that a certain character isn't too upset at me for continually volunteering him for these surveys, but his answers (or lack thereof) are so amusing. ^_^

Character Survey: Emiko

And this is Emiko... o.O

NAME: Emiko
BIRTHDAY: April 27
BIRTHPLACE: California
CURRENT LOCATION: Still California...
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HAIR COLOR: Black, but I've highlighted it.
HEIGHT: I'm five foot, five inches.
L/R HANDED: Right.
THE SHOES YOU WORE TODAY: Black army boots. Not very becoming of an ex-dancer, I know, but whatev.
YOUR WEAKNESS: People say I'm too pushy and Katie always tells me I should be nicer.
YOUR PERFECT PIZZA: Lots and lots of cheese!
GOAL TO ACHIEVE THIS YEAR: Pass chemistry and stay out of Dad's political campaign.
YOUR MOST MISSED MEMORY: Having Mom around. I haven't seen her since she left.
PEPSI OR COKE: Coke. *snickers* (me: You have a dirty mind...)
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES: Single. I'm a romantic. Can't help it.
CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: Chocolate. Lots and lots and lots of it.
CAPPUCCINO OR COFFEE: Lots of coffee is good, too. Better thing that Dad disapproved until just a few years ago!
DO YOU SMOKE: So what if I do?
DO YOU SWEAR: Yeah. Do you want me to right now?
DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED: Maybe. But I don't want to do the same thing Dad did. He's an idiot for ruining people's lives.
ARE YOU A HEALTH FREAK: Not really. I eat healthy sorta.
DO YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: No. Music is seriously overrated.

In the past month have you
1. DRUNK ALCHOHOL: Yeah, but if you tell, I'll beat you up.
2. SMOKED: Like I'd tell you.
3. BEEN ON DRUGS: Yeah really.
4. GONE TO A MALL: Like yesterday. Duh.
5. EATEN A BOX OF OREOS: Just last week.
6. EATEN SUSHI: Yeah, I live in California and I'm Japanese. What do you expect?

DO YOU WORK: Only during the summer.

FAVORITE EYE COLOR: Green or blue's kinda cute.
FAVORITE HAIR COLOR: Maybe blonde. Or brown. Or black. I don't care.
SHORT OR LONG HAIR: Short, please.
WEIGHT: Whatev.
BEST CLOTHING STYLE: Like I really care.

NUMBER OF CDS I OWN: Like I've bothered to count.
NUMBER OF PIERCINGS: Five. Three in one ear, two in the other.
NUMBER OF TATTOOS: One on my left shoulder.
THINGS IN MY PAST I REGRET: Like I'd tell you. And like I could go back to change them if I could. Wait... actually I can. No wait, technically I can't because of that idiot (me: that was your fault...). Whatev.

Introductory Post

First of all, let me say to you that if you're confused, go read the stuff over here first. That'll help you understand because this is a continuation of that. It should help you understand what's going on unless you're (a) familiar with my characters and (b) with my style of writing.

That being said... I was trying to make a list of all the characters I have written in the past five years with any sort of consistency and I found I couldn't do that. It's just too hard. The reason? I have way too many. I love my characters! They're awesome and I enjoy making up more characters. Yeah, someone tell me how that works...

But I don't just randomly kill my characters off, unlike other authors do. In fact, I think I've only killed off a small handful of my characters within the storyline... Shaun Ackerman and there were a few character deaths in a fantasy cross-over piece I wrote back in high school and Kiyoshi Sato. My characters have an excellent survival rate. And, as Sharpe himself pointed out, Ackerman died for a cause. It's not pointless.

I want to know more about my characters, especially the members of the Feconi Order, like Ellie... and Calanon. Calanon's kind of realy important. Ellie's just... interesting... because she's human. And she's the only human on the Feconi Order and she doesn't have anything particularly special or unique about her, other than the fact that she can put up with Bernard (putting up with Sharpe would be a greater feat).

And a quote... "If you end up living a lie long enough, it starts becoming the truth..." -Me on Sharpe's life