Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fact and Fiction

I was just thinking about what I have in common with various fictional characters that I've written, both now and in the past. It's interesting to see how much a person's characters can say about said person because authors put a lot of themselves (and people they know) into their characters, whether they want to or not. Or even whether or not they realise it.

So, if you could bear with me while I think on paper (erm... or on the keyboard?), that would be very much appreciated.

Scott Adams: Not much, but I do know that Scott's sense of direction is horrible. It's kind of a running joke between their group of friends that he would get lost on the way to school if it wasn't for his sister or Michael. To make matters more interesting, he also plays the navigator character, Lt. Quincy, in their VBS (Vacation Bible School) skits.
Samantha Adams: Most obvious would be her love of writing. She usually carries around her notebook with her and is constantly doodling ideas down in it. It's pretty rare she lets anyone else look at her unfinished works, too (usually only Michael and occasionally Scott, depending on Sam's mood). The other thing I've noticed that is similar between Sam and me is that we both hate seeing people close to us suffer. I'm not sure I need to say more about that.

Oddly enough, that's all I feel like doing right now. Maybe I'll come back and figure out more characters later, but for now... well, I should go back to sleep; I stayed up until after 2AM last night/this morning talking to a friend.


Kateses said...

You need to do Michael, Sharpe, Emiko, and Hideaki too! Please?

Amo Scribere said...

I know... I may or may not actually do Michael because he's too much like me. I might also add Evan and Tyler and a few other characters to the mix. ^_^

SkinCareMom said...

Interesting..... now that you mention Sam's similarties to you, I know you didn't specifically decide she was similar in those ways, but it sure seems so! And I agree.... you need to do some of the other integral characters :)

Kateses said...

That's cool. But Sharpe and Emiko for sure. :D