Friday, February 19, 2010

The White Knight, draft 1

The White Knight

He launches himself over his allies,
Darts crookedly across the field
Surrounded by enemies, he retreats.

He calls out for assistance,
Now joined by a hooded man.
They launch their counter-assault.

Battle rages on and in the
End, few are left standing.
Black retaliates. White retreats.

King is protected by only his castle.
White makes his move, capturing
Black’s last competent defense.

Knight to f6. Check. Fails
to see the smallest soldier, who
Knifes him. He is killed.

The sacrifice is not in vain.
Cloaked figure to f5. King falls.
Checkmate. White wins.

Draft one of a poem due today for Creative Writing. I thought you might enjoy it...

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