Monday, January 26, 2009

Eirian's Tale

I need to write more... unfortunately, I want to write something that probably wouldn't happen in the realistic stories I have going, so it might be time to bring out Eirian...

Eirian's an Annuviel, or a winged being similar in most ways to an Elf. Except that they're shorter and they have very large wings. And they can fly. She's from the same clan as Quayle (Xanthus), which means her wings are silvery-white. Her hair is also pretty light and her eyes are silvery-purple, which is characteristic of those descended from the Elder Tribe (Kai and Ismet are not descendents of the Elder Tribe). Those of the Elder Tribe are usually taller than other Annuviels; it is rare for an Annuviel to be taller than five feet.

Most Annuviels have a love of life and all things that grow or breathe, though they tend to be quite xenophobic. They're secretive folk and don't like outsiders. Eirian may not be xenophobic, but she is incredibly prejudiced. To her, humans are alright (she lived with them for quite a few years), but she hates the Dark Elves... or anyone who might be descended from them. She's also incredibly masochistic, as lying causes physical pain for the Annuviels. Some have learned to ignore the pain (like Quayle) and others have learned to like it, but most just don't lie. At all. Eirian actually likes it.

So here's a little something I wrote with her in it. Yes, it's fantasy. It takes place in Almendrim, which is the fantasy land I created. It's kind of your general fantasy land, not completely unlike Middle-earth, though there are more races... and talking animals.

MPAA Rating: G
Word Count: 438
“With all due respect, I must object.” Eirian’s voice was raised quite a bit more than anyone had heard before and she stood up. She and an unidentified human male were in the highest tower at the castle in Cynelic. They had been discussing important matters for nearly three hours; every time the man offered a proposition, the younger female refused. Time after time, arguments started again until at last, Eirian felt like she had enough.

Grey eyes darted to glance out the window, the only portal into the outside world from the Tower. The sun was ready to set and within hours, the twin moons – Lunn and Carn – would appear. The Annuviel felt sick to her stomach; she knew what happened when the moons would align as they would tonight. Far off into the distance, she could already hear the chanting and she thought she saw a flicker of flame out of the corner of her peripheral vision. Another raid. Not even the most foul words in her native tongue of Archia would suit for the moment and she swore under her breath in the common speech.

“Consider it.” The man’s voice was insistent and even Eirian couldn’t ignore the pleading tone that was infused so deeply into his emotions. His offers were tempting; she could do as he asked and still gain revenge upon at least one of the enemy simultaneously. The corner of her eye twitched and there was a brief flash of a devious smile; her ears pricked back and she met the man’s eyes after a brief moment of recovery.

“Alright then, I shall.” There was a slight smirk playing onto her face as she thought through what he had said. A hiss came from inside the shoulder bag she was carrying and a teal head popped out. Nioko glared at the man, suspicion shining through his sulfur-colored eyes. Though the moons would align tonight, there would be no more Annuviel blood spilt over senseless raids by the enemy. She now had the means she needed to exact her revenge.

Little did she know, one action of hers would set off a chain reaction that would involve a major political crisis and another betrayal in her life. Nor was she aware that during the next few months, she would come to discover with whom her true allegiance rested. All she understood was that she had been given a task and she would carry it out like every other time, only placing her signature twist on the assignment.

Instead of deterring the company, she would find them and kill him.
Nioko is her pet snake. The unidentified human male is the Duke, who happens to be a high official in the King's Court. Lunn and Carn are the names of the twin moons that orbit Praesodyn, which is the name of the world that Almendrim (the country) is located on. Cynelic is the capital of the human kingdom. Archia is the name of the Annuviels' native tongue, which is virtually impossible for a non-Annuviel to learn (though some Elves have picked up decent portions of it). Eirian's basically a hired assassin at this point.

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