Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Seven Secret Statements

So, Rae had a journal entry up on DA, which made me think about my characters a little bit... what would they say about each other if they knew no one would find out? Wanting to put my signature twist on one of the tagged things (even though I wasn't one of the ones tagged), I have decided to do it to the POV of one of my characters, circa 2010. Yes, this is in the future.

Feel free to guess who is saying these or about whom these statements are made. They are fictional characters, not real people. These statements are all made by the same character, just to let you know. I'm only doing seven of them because I intend to take another character and do several later on (when I have more time and a brain that's actually thinking straight).

1. I used to really not know what you were thinking. Ever... but over time, we've grown closer. You're my best man and I can't count all the times we've spent talking. We would always get into trouble together... you and I. I still don't know what you're thinking half the time and whenever I do, I don't think I want to know.

2. The first time we met, you started talking so fast that I could hardly keep up with what you were saying. We've had some interesting times together and I've come to love you like a sister. All those times I've yelled at you and you at me, well... let's just leave that behind us now. You're such a caring person and it's evident to me that you do mean well.

3. I'm not sure there's much to say, other than the fact that you really hurt us. Especially the others and you know who I'm talking about. Why'd you have to go and betray us like that? I can't really hate you, but I'm sorry... you are no longer a friend of mine.

4. I guess this is it, old friend. There are times you've been a jerk, but you're a good guy. I'll miss all those chess games and having to drag you and Quincy out of trouble. You have been and always will be my friend.

5. For the first six years of knowing you, I wanted you dead. But now, I'm not so sure. I've seen a miraculous change in you and I like what I've been seeing. You've grown into a beautiful woman and it's such a change from that insecure puppet you once were. Face it, anyone who makes fun of a teacher like that is insecure. I still don't like you and it's pretty obvious you don't like me, but who are we to argue with ambar bringing two people together? (ambar = Elvish word for fate)

6. Words cannot express what our friendship has meant to me all these years. We've been close friends since I can remember and we've talked about things ranging from what actually incited the debate that ended Forum Philosophorum to what Bilbo meant when he gave the line of "liking you less than half as well as you deserve" in Lord of the Rings and everything in-between. You are very much like a dear sister to me... and much more.

7. I still don't know what to think of you. You've been nothing short of a conundrum since we met and you've only explained yourself a few times... and that's always made more riddles. You've proven yourself time and time again, but I still can't help but question your loyalty. Maybe it's just me, though; the others don't seem to wonder too much. Even through everything, I've always felt like you were watching out for other people. I would like to know if you are, but I don't think you'll tell me. Truth is a double-edged sword and I do hope you are careful of that.

Most of these should be pretty easy, provided that you know my characters.

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