Saturday, January 31, 2009

Voices of Characters

While I was working on Snapshots, I kept thinking about little random character details... specifically what their voices should sound like. I have never given it much thought, but many of my characters have voices like people I know.

Take Callisto, for example. She has always sounded like my younger sister (not the youngest) with a British accent because she lives in the UK and always has. Scott has always had a voice like one of my former classmates who is well-liked by pretty much everyone he meets. Sam has always had a voice similar to one of my former classmates, as well. If Marie ever talked, she would sound a little bit to me like my friend Jenny does. Out of my long-standing characters, Michael's voice was a bit harder to pin down. It was only recently that I figured out that Michael sounds a little bit like my friend Dan, at least in my head. Like his voice in general. Okay, granted that Michael does have a touch of an accent and he can slip in and out of accents fairly easily, but still...

Perhaps the most important and most difficult character to pin down, however, has been Sharpe. In my mind, his voice has never been particularly loud, but there is a distinct tone to it. Michael describes his voice as almost hissing (Sophomore Saga). By the unbiased narrator (haha), Sharpe's voice usually gets described as calculating, dripping with sarcasm, not particularly deep, snappish and clipped when he's annoyed, sickly sardonic, cold, caustic (more alkaline than acidic) and having a slight drawl. I'm not sure what kind of voice that would produce, but it would be an interesting one.

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