Sunday, December 28, 2008

10 Random Facts Game!

So on Facebook, I was tagged in a note to post random facts about myself. Just because I can, I decided to switch it around and do it for one of my characters. This time, it's a guessing game! There are ten clues per character. All five are known characters and four out of the five are quite well known.

Character One
  1. I work part-time at a school.
  2. My grandmother came from Poland when she was a girl and she loves to cook the most delicious foods for me when I go visit!
  3. Although I don't remember Dad, he was the one who named me.
  4. No one except my family knows this, but I have a younger sister. I've only seen her a few times and haven't seen her at all in the past ten years, but I know she's still alive. I really want to meet her again someday.
  5. Most of the students I teach are taller than I am. It isn't that hard if you aren't even five feet!
  6. I used to be afraid of toasters, of all things!
  7. I almost always wear skirts and blouses and rarely wear jeans.
  8. I'm actually not from the USA. I was born and raised in Canada.
  9. I speak fluent French and English and sometimes I'll switch back and forth! Like now! *starts speaking in rapid French*
  10. I absolutely love mathmatics.

Character Two
  1. Although I'm most well-known for playing basketball and football, I'm also on the school swim team.
  2. We - Kyle and I - lead prayers before and after games at school with other Christian athletes.
  3. I'm probably the only African American person in these stories. Well, me and my family. But I'm the only prominent one.
  4. My favorite class is history and my favorite historical period is the Industrial Revolution.
  5. I live in an apartment with my sister, our mom and Aunt Dolores.
  6. My favorite thing to do on the weekends is hang out with my friends and do whatever they're doing, as long as they try to get into trouble!
  7. My middle name is the same name as one of the prophets in the Bible.
  8. My birthday is May 22nd, which is unfortunately, about a week before finals. At least it isn't during finals week!
  9. I really actually don't like ice cream all that much.
  10. I like most of the books we're forced to read for school.

Character Three
  1. I'm fluent in both English and Spanish... and I know a few random words in French and Italian.
  2. I have a pet named after a book character.
  3. My least favorite board game is Monopoly.
  4. I spend a lot of time with my cousins. Whether that's good or bad is anyone's best guess!
  5. Though I'm not really a vegetarian, I usually don't eat a lot of meat stuff. I just don't like the way it tastes and I never have.
  6. Both my older sister and I are adopted.
  7. I'm probably one of the craziest people you'll ever meet! Or at least Callisto seems to think that.
  8. I go to a boarding school in the UK that requires a school uniform.
  9. I love drawing in the margins of my notes during class.
  10. My family celebrates Las Posadas in the days just before Christmas, but we don't celebrate Thanksgiving.

Character Four
  1. I'm learning Japanese. Unfortunately.
  2. I have a single tatoo on my left shoulder and five piercings, all in my ears.
  3. I used to take dance classes.
  4. I tend to hang out with the cheerleaders at school half the time and the "bad kids" the other half.
  5. I hate my homeroom teacher, but who doesn't?
  6. My best friend taught me how to play chess.
  7. I kind of have a crush on my best friend.
  8. I have a half-sister I've never met, but we've talked before.
  9. I moved four times before I was in junior high.
  10. I love thunderstorms, especially when the electricity goes out.

Character Five
  1. I was partially named after a book character, of all people.
  2. I enjoy drinking coffee when I can, though I rarely do.
  3. I was offered a job twice by the same person.
  4. One of my most used endgame strategies is queen sacrifice.
  5. I am left-handed.
  6. I can read music written in the alto clef.
  7. I am fluent in two different languages, one of which is uncommon.
  8. I share my birthday with a famous chemist/physicist.
  9. I was homeschooled for about a semester in junior high.
  10. The first prom I went to was one that I chaperoned.

I'll post the answers sometime later this week, most likely. Best of luck! I'll also finish tagging with characters (where applicable) once I post the answers. I don't want to give it away.

If you're interested in the answers, they can be found here.

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