Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Eve, Part III

Once again, this is a continuation of what I've been writing. Go back and read the other pieces first if you haven't already done so.

MPAA Rating: G
Characters: Michael Liu, Kiran Shasthri, Priya Shasthri, others by mention
Word Count: 344

“I’m staying with Aunt Priya over break. Mom and Dad’re still in India.” The matter-of-fact voice explained before Michael could even begin speaking. “She doesn’t live far from here, so she said it’d be alright if we went here for Christmas Eve service instead of her church.” The girl pushed a long strand of dark hair behind one of her ears and she bounced slightly on her toes, no doubt having the extra energy from sitting still in the pews for so long. The Christmas Eve service was nearly twice as long as those on Sunday mornings.

While Kiran was talking, Michael nodded absently. He had grown used to her chatter during the semester and a half she stayed with the Liu family as an exchange student during his sophomore year. For a moment, his thoughts drifted over back towards Sharpe. First seeing him here, then Kiran. What was going on with that? Was there something he didn’t know about? Seeing Kiran at a church wasn’t a strange idea to him; she had cheerfully gone with the Liu family every Sunday while she was at their house, except for the time she had come down with a nasty case of the flu.

“Well, maybe we can do something together. You, me, Scott, Sam and Nate.” Kiran kept talking and Michael was about to excuse himself when he saw an woman who looked like an older, thinner version of Kiran standing on the opposite side of the corridor, waving towards her niece. Michael smiled slightly towards Dr. Shasthri; he had met her once or twice before.

“Kiran!” As Priya Shasthri called towards her niece, Michael’s dark eyes caught a movement out of the corner of his peripheral vision. A head jerked up in a quick motion and Michael turned from Kiran to the shadowy figure and back to Kiran again, eyeing the girl suspiciously. He licked his top lip with his tongue. Surely there was something going on here and he wanted to know what that something was.


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