Wednesday, December 17, 2008

AU Characters

So some of my characters have originated in the alternate universe and others haven't made their way into the regular universe yet, but Tem was originally an AU character. It's kind of futuristic stuff.

Tem is a time-traveler and she can basically travel through time. Well, she used to be able to do that until Calanon got furious with her for trying to go back and change something in history. She allows Isaiah and Jeremiah Lewis to time-travel with her and sends them all over the place.

Isaiah and Jeremiah Lewis are actually human. None of these other characters are... anyways. They've been anywhere and everywhere in history that I can think of and that's mostly thanks to Tem. They're orphans whose parents were killed in a horrible lab accident. Isaiah's a lot more outgoing than his brother is. Jeremiah's quiet, but very knowledgeable.

Siyamak's a creep. He reminds me of the Child Catcher on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or of Johnny Depp's version of Willy Wonka. Or really of anything I've seen Johnny Depp as... which is really only one thing, but whatever. Anyways, in his past, he did something incredibly stupid in a fit of rash decision making and he's running away from that. The only one who knows what it is is Kana.

Kana is Siyamak's own worst nightmare. She found out about what he did and she won't let him forget it... and he's holding one of her secrets. So they're constantly at one another's throats about something. She's alright for writing a girl, but she can be a little bit annoying... and a bit of a know-it-all at times. In fact, she reminds me a little bit of Callisto. Sort of.

Hal's the guy who keeps everyone together. He has no idea what Siyamak did or of what Kana's secret is, but he manages to keep Kana alive and Siyamak at least partway sane. Or as sane as one with a horribly tortured past can be. Hal actually has a halfway decent life.

I'm thinking that if I want to write a futuristic dystopian type story, these characters will be the ones to look into using. Them and the rest of the Feconi Order... and lots of other of the AU characters. I'm really not sure and right now I'm just rambling. Hopefully I'll figure out what's going on with the Christmas Eve story later so that I can write more for you guys to read tomorrow or this weekend sometime. That should be fun.

Good night.

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