Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Forum Philsophorum and Other Clubs

This entry is dedicated to a brief history sketch of the RHS Controversial Issues Club, otherwise known as Forum Philosophorum.

Staff Advisor: Sharpe
Secondary Advisor: Shaun Ackerman. Occasionally Josiah Alton will step in and assist in moderating debates.
Years of Operation: Fall 2000-Spring 2002. Students lost interest. At this time, Sharpe was the only staff advisor.
Fall 2005-Winter 2005. Stopped by administration (Peter Screwtape) due to "controversial content", which turned into a huge yelling match.
Some Known Student Members: Michael Liu, Emiko Takahashi, Samantha Adams, Kiran Shasthri, Evan Saunders.
Oddly enough, the list of known members does NOT include Tyler Martin, Marie Wilson, Scott Adams and a number of other prominent characters. Tyler doesn't like debate, Marie really doesn't like Sharpe and Scott just doesn't want to do it.
Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to discuss and debate controversial issues, including but not limited to the following: religion, ethics, technology, politics, war, social justice and many, many other things.
AKA: The "Debate Club" (Emiko Takahashi)

Other Clubs
This isn't a complete list, but here are some of the other clubs around RHS...
Film Club: Staff Sponsors: Anthony Wilson and Hugh Avery (duh). Looks at various films, both contemporary and historical.
Student Council: Staff Advisors: Josiah Alton and Candace Pruitt. Elected student government.
Media Productions: Staff Sponsors: Becky Rodriguez and Laura Clarkson. They write and edit the school newspaper and put out the forms of media on campus.
Writing Club: Staff Sponsor: Julia Perry. Students gather to improve their writing skills and occasionally talk about books. Sam is the president of the Writing Club during her junior and senior years of high school.
Operation Numbers: Staff Sponsors: Hugh Avery and Aislynn Celeste (and also Jason Hartley). These are a group of students who spend time working with low income students and finding ways to make math and science more interesting and fun.
Chess Club: Staff Sponsor: Sharpe. Group of students focuses on developing chess strategies and competes in local tournaments. Assisted by Alan Harrison (2005-present) and Candace Pruitt.
Technology Club: Staff Sponsors: Amy Kerrington and Jason Hartley. Helps maintain school club webpages and focuses on other forms of technology.
Student Service Club: Staff Sponsors: (various, but it has included Jennie Alton). This is a group of students who do community service. Marie Wilson helped start it during fall of 2003.

NB: Most clubs have two staff sponsors, particularly those that are larger or require more organization or, in the case of Forum Philosophorum, deal with controversial issues.
Sharpe is probably the only staff member who is the main sponsor for two clubs. However, since the Debate Club (using Emiko's words) was not in existence for a few years, this is not very surprising.

And now for a bit of a treat...a snippet from a Forum Philosophorum meeting... (Kiran's POV, third person)
MPAA Rating: G. Sharpe's being his typical self.
Characters: Kiran, Sharpe

A dark haired girl raced through the courtyard. She was wearing loose pants, a shirt and a sari wrapped around her. It was trailing in the wind as she ran; she hoped she wasn't late. It wasn't her fault, really. She had been talking to another student when she realized that two o'clock was quickly approaching.

Her dark skin blushed as she nearly ran into the person who she least wanted to see at that moment: Mr. Sharpe. The arrogant chemistry teacher had already blatantly told her that she wouldn't be allowed to take most of his advanced classes, despite the fact that her transcript proved her quite capable. She had a theory that it was just because he wouldn't stand for anyone with religious convictions in his classroom and she had set out to prove that here.

"Miss Shasthri," a cold voice spoke as she took a moment to straighten herself up. "It is very nice of you to come. What, praytell, brings you here on such a fine afternoon?" The voice was sickly sardonic and Kiran could feel her heart sinking.

"Sorry, Mr. Sharpe, but you didn't say I couldn't join the philosophy club," she replied with a smirk. "So, if you'll give me one of those paper things to fill out..." Sharpe's glare was intense. "...please."

Sharpe lifted an eyebrow as he held his pointy stick out towards her. "Well, it will be interesting to see how well your religion holds up," he sneered. Despite this, he handed her a paper to fill out and she set to work answering the questions.

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