Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Musical Instruments

Only a few of my characters play musical instruments, the most notable being Kiran and her flute (which she carries around with her everywhere), Andy and Michael Liu both play violin and Natalia Johnson plays piano. Michael can also sort of play piano, though not very well. Kiran is mentioned in several instances carrying her flute around with her and she is part of the school band at Melanthios.

The other character of mine who plays an instrument, though I'm still not sure which one, is Sharpe. Or he used to. He doesn't exactly play anymore. Judging by his age and what I've written about him (and talking to my friends who have band experience), he would have started sometime in elementary school or junior high. He quits when he is in the middle of eighth grade after the accident.

I'm still not exactly sure what instrument he does play. I've asked people and they've given good feedback and I think I've narrowed it down to two possibilities based on criteria I've come up with. Before I decide which one he will have played, I'm pretty sure I need to decide where I'm taking the Christmas Eve story... and whether or not he should still be able to (theoretically) play said instrument.

First Instrument: Oboe. I kind of originally pictured Sharpe playing some sort of woodwind instrument (not the flute, though!) and this would definitely fit the category. Being a double reeded instrument, it would be one of the more difficult ones to play. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, it's the one that sounds really cool. He does have excellent breath and vocal control. However, this would require good dexterity in both hands, something I'm not quite sure whether or not he possesses. Likely he would have learned to play clarinet before playing oboe and switched over in the beginning of junior high.

Second Instrument: Viola. AKA the lower, misunderstood and somewhat forgotten cousin to the violin. Sharpe's personality would also lend itself excellently to a stringed instrument, I think. He would have the slight advantage of having excellent control and good finger range in his left hand (so that he could press the various strings down in different positions). Also, as Christian pointed out, the viola uses the alto clef, which is not commonly used. If I decide on viola, I have a potential plotline I can incorporate.

Since dexterity in both hands is kind of important for woodwind instruments, he probably wouldn't be able to play oboe anymore. His right hand is significantly weaker than his left and it's even less agile than before the accident (if you don't kno what I'm talking about, go read Snapshots).

So... any thoughts?

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