Friday, December 12, 2008

Lost Chess Pieces, Part 2

I'm stress writing right now, so this may not make a whole lot of sense. I'm just going to warn you in advance... just in case you'd rather not read on. But we finished exams and then it's home for me tomorrow.

Onto the actual writing portion and continuing sort of where I left off with the chess idea...

MPAA Rating: G
Characters: Hideaki, Emiko Takahashi
Word Count: 497
Warning: Mild swearing. Once again, it's Emiko...

Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Hideaki's cell phone vibrated its way off the table and onto the hardwood floor of the San Rafael apartment he was living in with his dad and Uncle Joe. For the last three hours, he had been trying to do the homework Mr. Umeki assigned, but it was no use. He could translate from Japanese to English just fine, but going the other way still confused him, even after years of studying the language and the culture on Saturday mornings. He ran a hand along the line his bandana made until it reached the tight knot tied in the back of his head. Right now, his writing looked like knots to him. Time to take a break and see who had called. It was probably a wrong number again - he seemed to get a lot of those - but it wouldn't hurt to check. Oddly enough, she hadn't left a message; he frowned.

Emiko usually left messages, unless something was really wrong. Last time she'd called and not left a message was when her dad's political campaign went horribly awry and he'd ended up throwing her out of the house for the night in a fit of rage. She had ended up spending the night at his house... and the rest of the weekend. And that was when he had taught her how to play chess. That had been about a year ago and he smiled fondly at the thought as he pushed the redial button and waited for an answer.

"What the hell's going on with you?" The shrill voice came from the opposite side of the phone line and Hideaki winced, nearly dropping the phone onto the messy floor of his bedroom. Well, that answered his question. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and there was an awkward silence in which neither party spoke.

"I... uhm..." Hideaki frowned and picked up an old wooden chess piece, this one a black rook. It had been given to him by a friend and absently, he twiddled it in the forefingers of his right hand as he held the phone to his left ear. "You were the one who called me." Sometimes stating the simple truth was the best. "Hey, maybe you should come over or somethin'." He could hear the clicking of fingernails against something hard on the other side of the phone as he awaited an answer.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. I'll be there in half an hour." Emiko grabbed her car keys and slammed the door shut, not even bothering to leave a note for her father. He wouldn't ask where she was; he never did. Despite the fact that it would be nearly an hour drive in commute traffic from her San Jose home, Emiko automatically halved the time it took. "Bye." Without waiting for Hideaki to answer, she flipped the phone shut and dropped it into her purse, climbed into the car and sped down the street.

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