Sunday, December 21, 2008

Emiko's Christmas: One Shot

I just thought I would take a break from the Christmas Eve story and write something with Emiko in it instead. Mr. Isaacs is the father of Donovan Isaacs (cousin of one of Hana Rei's classmates at school).

MPAA Rating: G
Characters: Emiko Takahashi, Tetsuya Takahashi, Stephanie Rei (Emiko's mother), unknown man, others by mention
Word Count: 536
Summary: Emiko reflects on Christmas and gets a mysterious visitor.

"Hey Mom, it's me. Emiko." For the hundredth time, she couldn't bring herself to pick up the telephone and call her own mother. Dad had already told her it was okay. It was Christmas after all, but the fourteen-year-old couldn't.

"Call her. She wants to hear from you, Miko." He had told her as he handed her the telephone attatched to the wall. Miko was her Dad's pet name for her, something that only he was allowed to call her. Tetsuya bit both of his lips together. It was him that Stephanie didn't want to hear from. Without waiting for his daughter to ask, he left the room, leaving her in privacy. Things would be better this way.

Five minutes passed and Emiko slid her polished fingernails along the plastic of the receiver. Five minutes quickly turned into ten and ten turned into fifteen until she heard a knock at the door. "Go away, Dad." A single tear dripped from her eye and fell onto her desk, splattering onto her laptop computer. "I don't wanna talk."

"I am not your father, Emiko." The voice came from the other side of the door. The voice obviously belonged to a man, but it wasn't quite deep enough to be her father's. And it was too quiet. "I just wanted to leave you something. You can call your mother now. Merry Christmas." Before Emiko could open the door, the person was gone. She narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, reached down for the present, which was wrapped in purple and black wrapping paper and took it inside her room.

As she tore open the paper, a typed note on a single sheet of paper fell out onto her floor. She picked it up and read what was written. Dearest Emiko, Turn to page 1085 and read the story that is recorded in Luke chapter 15, verses 11 through 32. You will find a story about two brothers and their father in this passage; Mr. Isaacs shared it with us last month at church. I love you very much and we pray for you every day. Please take care of yourself and your father. Merry Christmas. Love, Mom and Hana.

Emiko flipped open the hardcovered book to page 1085 and began to read. It was a rather interesting story about two brothers, one of whom ran away from home and when he went back, he wanted to be a servant in the house of his father. At the end, the father welcomed him back as a son. Emiko read the story three times through, but even at the end, she still didn't understand why the dad had done that. Surely if she'd done that to her own father, he wouldn't have forgiven her, would he? The kid had just wasted all of his dad's money! This didn't make sense; she needed time to think about it more.

With a sigh, she picked up the phone receiver and dialed the number to her mom's house. "Hey, Mom, Hana? It's me, Emiko. Merry Christmas. If you get the chance, call back, okay? There's some stuff I'd like to ask you. I'll talk to you later." With a gentle, but firm motion, she hung the phone back up.

1 comment:

SkinCareMom said...

This one is good! Of course, I would like to know more ;)