Friday, December 12, 2008

Emiko's Lost Chess Piece

I have such bad writer's block right now... it's not even funny. My brain is completely dead from yesterday's physics exam. Anyhow, onto something more interesting than my rambling about real life before I bore you all with complaining about exams, the weather and just about anything else I can think of.

This is a little snippet of the chess piece I've been planning out. Yes, there's a greater theme than just Emiko going on. It actually has more to do with her father and with the rest of first generation (like Sharpe) than with Emiko, but I just felt like writing Emiko today.

MPAA Rating: G
Character: Emiko Takahashi
Word Count: 268
Warning: Very mild swearing (one word... it's Emiko's POV)
Timeline: May 2006, so during their junior year of high school

It was lost. She had looked around her entire room for it, torn everything apart and thrown her clothes across the floor in an effort to find the missing piece of wood. To anyone else, it wouldn't be anything special; it shouldn't have even been special to her, but she had found it in her backpack after school about a week ago and had taken a liking to it. The Japanese girl couldn't explain it. Her father's expression was unfathomable when she'd shown him the trinket.

But now it was gone and she couldn't find it. Damn. The girl kicked her soccer ball across the room, hitting the door. Was it really gone? Where was it? More importantly, where had the bishop come from and who had given it to her? She licked her top lip, a nervous habit she'd developed over the past few years. She only knew of one person who knew how to play chess: her friend from Japanese school. She didn't even know how to play. Slowly, she picked up her cell phone, went to her contacts list and dialed his number.

Ring. Ring. Ring. "Hey, you've reached me. Obviously I'm not here right now. Leave a message and I'll call you back, okay?" She got the answering machine. Emiko's eyes narrowed and she clenched her teeth in disguist. It figured that the one person in the world who might be able to help her would be out of reach. Without leaving a message, she shut the phone. It was no use. She'd have to do this on her own, just like everything else.



SkinCareMom said...

Yes you need to continue this one... I know it has a strong connection to other characters!

Amo Scribere said...

I am working on writing more... this time it's actually a direct continuation of what's going on, not jumping to something else entirely. ~*~

SkinCareMom said...

Good! And I love the next part too..... keep this one going~~it has potential ;)